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Couverture de Foundation of Courage

Foundation of Courage

De : JMD Reid
Lu par : Catherine Carter
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    A dark ritual heralds the dragons' return. The world trembles.To save his dying mother, a young man named Euddan enters a cursed forest where monsters of darkness prowl. Alone in the shadowy woods, he finds a mysterious creature made of light. She may be his salvation...and the only way to save his mother.

    A young woman and childhood friend of Euddan suffers the cruel abuse by her father, a dark wizard feared by all. When her father conducts a dark ritual with her as a sacrifice, Euddan can no longer stomach it. He must brave terrible magic to save the girl he loves and disrupt the plans of a deadly cabal decades in the making.

    His actions will anger almighty wizards dedicated to returning dreaded dragons to his world.

    Can these two young heroes survive the deadly shadow of the dragons looming over them?

    Shadow of the Dragons is a thrilling fantasy saga packed with action, adventure, and intrigue that will have you salivating for more.


    1. Foundation of Courage Feb 21

    2. Lady Shadow’s Ire Mar 15

    3. Guilt of Sacrifice Apr 5

    4. Sands of Loss Apr 26

    5. Wyrms of Regret May 17

    6. Madness of Light June 7

    7. Blood-Stained Shadows June 28

    8. Sailing the Ashen Seas July 19

    9. Lady Shadow’s Promise Aug 9

    10. The Golden Trees Burn Aug 30

    11. Maelstrom of the Gods Sep 20

    12. Paradise Found Oct 11

    ©2022 JMD Reid (P)2024 JMD Reid

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