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  • Forgotten Legends

  • Remarkable Figures and Their Impact on Early America
  • De : Samuel Johnston
  • Lu par : Maria McCann
  • Durée : 1 h et 46 min

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Forgotten Legends

De : Samuel Johnston
Lu par : Maria McCann
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    Explore the untold stories of the American Revolution's unsung heroes in "Forgotten Legends: Remarkable Figures and Their Impact on Early America." This compelling audiobook brings to life the incredible journeys of diverse and inspirational figures, such as Sybil Ludington, the female Paul Revere; Benjamin Banneker, the self-taught scientist; and Phillis Wheatley, the pioneering poet.

    Each chapter delves deep into the lives and contributions of these remarkable individuals, providing a fresh perspective on well-known historical events. The engaging narration will transport you back in time, making history feel vivid and personal.

    Perfect for history enthusiasts, students, and anyone inspired by tales of courage and determination, "Forgotten Legends" not only educates but also inspires. You'll gain a greater appreciation for the diverse efforts that contributed to American independence and the profound impact of these forgotten heroes on our nation's history.

    Whether you're on a commute, relaxing at home, or seeking motivation, this audiobook will captivate and move you with its powerful storytelling and historical insights.

    ©2024 Philip Walley (P)2024 Philip Walley
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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