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Couverture de Forgotten Bones

Forgotten Bones

De : Wes Markin
Lu par : Aubrey Parsons
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    The first in a new series from bestselling crime author, Wes Markin!

    To Detective Chief Inspector Frank Black they’re not just forgotten bones.

    They’re forgotten hopes.

    Forgotten dreams.

    The forgotten voice of an angel.

    When buried bones are unearthed by a storm in North Yorkshire’s picturesque coastal town of Whitby, Black is drawn into an investigation that takes him back to the late eighties and the fiery demise of a popular pub.

    Frank is no stranger to vulnerability. With a shattered daughter, he lives with it. With an outsider in Detective Inspector Gerry Carver, he works with it.

    And in Charlotte Wilson, a young, eighteen-year-old musician discarded and buried near the old whalebones of Whitby, he recognizes it.

    At sixty-four, Black really should be retiring.

    But Charlotte had hopes and dreams.

    And nobody should be allowed to silence the voice of an angel.

    Bestselling Wes Markin is back with the start of an exciting new series, perfect for fans of David Gatward, JD Kirk, Rachel McLean, JM Dalgleish and Simon McCleave.

    ©2024 Wes Markin (P)2024 Wes Markin


    'Take shelter! There’s a storm brewing over Whitby. Compelling, atmospheric, characters to root for – this book has everything! ' TG Reid, Dark is the Grave

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