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  • Forex: A Beginner's Guide to Forex Trading

  • Learn the Forex Basics and Start Building Riches
  • De : Matthew Maybury
  • Lu par : Mark Shumka
  • Durée : 1 h et 20 min

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Forex: A Beginner's Guide to Forex Trading

De : Matthew Maybury
Lu par : Mark Shumka
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    Learn how to make money with forex trading!

    What is Forex?

    How can I make money with Forex?

    How do I build a trading plan?

    How much money can I make with Forex trading?

    If you want to know the answers to the questions above, download this book today.

    You are about to enter a trading market that deals in an excess of $4.9 trillion dollars per day. If you compare this to the stock market on any given day, about $2,000 billion per day is traded on various stocks.

    Imagine the rewards you can gain by investing in such a huge market. It is possible to set up a nice nest egg, get a larger retirement account set up, or simply enjoy the fun of trading. By the end of this book, you will be able to do just that.

    You will know how to ensure your profit/loss ratio shows a profit at the end of the year for overall trades. You will learn how to gain a profit margin of 70 to 90 percent. You will discover the rules of trading in the forex market, as well as skills to ensure your profit margin is increasing each year.

    What you'll learn in this book:

    • What is Forex trading
    • How to get started with Forex trading
    • Risk management
    • How to make a trading plan
    • Do's and don'ts of Forex
    • Currencies explained
    • Technical analysis
    • How to choose the right broker
    • Trading psychology
    • Journal writing
    • And much more!

    This is the ultimate guide to get started with Forex trading and make a lot of money.

    ©2016 Michael Foehringer (P)2016 Michael FOehringer

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