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Couverture de Forever Home

Forever Home

De : Elysia Whisler
Lu par : Lisa Larsen
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    If home is where the heart is, Dogwood County may have just what Delaney Monroe needs.

    Newly retired from the Marine Corps, Delaney is looking for somewhere to start over. It’s not going to be easy, but when she finds the perfect place to open her dream motorcycle shop, she goes for it. What she doesn’t expect is an abandoned pit bull to come with the building. The shy pup is slow to trust, but Delaney is determined to win it over.

    Detective Sean Callahan is smitten from the moment he sees Delaney, but her cool demeanor throws him off his game. When her late father's vintage motorcycle is stolen from Delaney's shop, Sean gets to turn up in his element: chasing the bad guy and showing his best self to a woman who’s gotten under his skin in a bad way.

    Delaney isn't used to lasting relationships, but letting love in — both human and canine — helps her see that she may have found a place she belongs, forever.

    "Complex, quietly compelling characters.... A poignant reminder that ‘home’ is often more than a place." (Maggie Wells, author of Love Game)

    Dogwood County

    Book 1: Rescue You

    Book 2: Forever Home

    ©2021 Elysia Whisler (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers

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