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  • Forever Her Viscount

  • Dukes Most Wanted, Book 5
  • De : Scarlett Scott
  • Durée : 6 h et 57 min

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Forever Her Viscount

De : Scarlett Scott
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    Sparks fly between a hellion with a broken heart and a lord guarding his reputation in this deliciously steamy entry in the Dukes Most Wanted series from USA Today bestselling author Scarlett Scott.

    After a salacious rumor tarnished her reputation and caused the man she loved to cry off their engagement, Lady Charity Manners has dedicated herself to becoming an unapologetic hoyden. She’ll never fall in love with a man—or trust one—ever again. Especially not a quiet, brooding, proper lord who is too handsome for his own good.

    Neville Astley, Viscount Wilton, is a recluse by choice who has mostly avoided society until becoming the guardian of his niece. For her sake, he’s attending a Yorkshire country house party, despite preferring to be anywhere else. He wants nothing to do with romance or a wild hellion like Lady Charity. And yet, there’s something about her that he finds impossible to resist.

    Unexpected desire flares between the gentleman most likely to follow the rules and the lady most likely to break them. But while Charity will surrender her body willingly, she’ll never cede her heart. When Neville realizes he wants far more from her than a midnight tryst, he’ll do everything he can to persuade her that the only place she belongs is in his arms—forever.

    Heat level: Scorching! Don't say you weren't warned.

    ©2024 Scarlett Scott (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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