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Couverture de Forest Folk

Forest Folk

De : John Hood
Lu par : Benjamin Fife
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    John Hood’s Folklore Cycle series uses elements of folklore and epic fantasy to tell the story of America’s founding in a fresh and exciting way. The first book in the series, Mountain Folk, was largely set during the American Revolution and featured such historical characters as George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and Daniel Boone.

    In the second novel, Forest Folk, the focus shifts to the War of 1812, the beginnings of the abolitionist movement, and the Trail of Tears. As the story begins, the new American republic is struggling to reconcile its lofty principles with the practical realities of a rapidly expanding nation. Three fairy rangers who helped the country win its independence—Goran the Sylph, Har the Dwarf, and Dela the Water Maiden—now find they must seek new alliances with the likes of Davy Crockett, Johnny Appleseed, Ichabod Crane, and the Cherokee hero Junaluska to combat a monstrous new conspiracy against peace, justice, and freedom on the frontier.

    ©2022 John Hood (P)2022 John Hood

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