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Couverture de Foreign Planet

Foreign Planet

De : J.S. Sherwood
Lu par : Joe Landry
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    After sending Aleron’s monster back to the fourth dimension, the survivors find unexpected friends and a terrifying threat.

    After narrowly escaping Aleron’s monster, Tashon is left with a connection to the fourth dimension that grants him new insights and grand visions. What he sees leads to the discovery of two living, intelligent species on Aethera. One believes in pacifism above all else, while the other thinks Aethera belongs to them alone.

    Tashon and Abe set out on a journey across the planet in hopes to befriend the violent species, while Smith stays behind to strengthen humanity’s alliance with the pacifists. In the end, the future of Aethera will not be what they imagined.

    EVOLVED PUBLISHING PRESENTS an epic science fiction adventure, with Book 2 of the nine-book series This Foreign Universe. Discover new worlds, new civilizations, and new mysteries from the great unknown.

    Books by J.S. Sherwood:

    This Foreign Universe – 1: Foreign Land

    This Foreign Universe – 2: Foreign Planet

    This Foreign Universe – 3: Foreign Home

    This Foreign Universe – 4: Almost Pathless

    This Foreign Universe – 5: Almost Homeless

    This Foreign Universe – 6: Almost Earthless

    This Foreign Universe – 7: The Engineer

    This Foreign Universe – 8: The Explorer

    This Foreign Universe – 9: The Sage

    ©2021 Evolved Publishing LLC (P)2022 Evolved Publishing LLC

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