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Couverture de Forbidden Hero

Forbidden Hero

De : Jackie Walker
Lu par : Robert Hatchet, CJ Bloom
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    Things that awaken my inner rage monster (in no particular order):

    *The F-nugget who thought it would be fun to try to kidnap me. Throwing me in a trunk? Rude!

    *My oldest brother - For insisting I need constant babysitters since I’m in danger. Oops! Did I say babysitters? I meant bodyguards.

    *Same brother again - For having a ridiculously hot best friend, then assigning him as my primary bodyguard and telepathically forbidding him from dating me, even though I’m starting to suspect that he’s seriously crushing on me. (The best friend is crushing, not my brother. Don't be weird.)

    *My brother’s best friend (i.e.: my new bodyguard) - For having a jaw so chiseled it could probably slice through a huge block of aged cheddar, and yet, not letting me lick it. (His jaw, not the cheddar. Now you’re waking up my rage monster.)

    *My bodyguard’s stupid rules - For forbidding me from flirting with him, touching him more than necessary, and kissing him again. Even though he started it!

    *Wine - For having calories.

    *My ex-husband - For breathing.

    *The law - For prohibiting st*bbing.

    *My heart and bodyguard - Both for making me fall in love again… the audacity!

    Forbidden Hero is a bodyguard romantic suspense with romcom vibes. It's written in alternating first person point of view and contains steamy open-door scenes, profanity, a strong heroine with mild anger issues due to her bumpy past, a hero who will make you laugh one minute and swoon the next (especially when he helps her reclaim her body). There's heart-pumping action and all the feels, along with a healthy dose of humor and spice.

    Author's Note: Forbidden Hero is book 2 in the Redleg Security Series. Although it can be listened to on its own, but there are suspense-related spoilers if you listen out of order. The audiobook is narrated by Robert Hatchet and CJ Bloom.

    ©2022 Jackie Walker (P)2024 Jackie Walker

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