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  • Foraging Guide for Pacific Northwest Mushrooms

  • Mushroom Identification (Know Lookalikes) 4 Easy Edible Categories (Scrumptious, Edible, Inedible & Poisonous) Find Wild Mushrooms (When & Where)
  • De : Darcy Field
  • Lu par : Mandy Grant-Grierson
  • Durée : 3 h et 25 min

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Foraging Guide for Pacific Northwest Mushrooms

De : Darcy Field
Lu par : Mandy Grant-Grierson
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    Here’s what you’ll discover in this amazing guide:

    • How mushrooms shape the world, from their crucial role in preserving all life on Earth to their extraordinary medicinal properties we are just starting to explore and utilize
    • A complete breakdown of mushroom anatomy, from cap to mycelium
    • Four absolutely crucial foraging rules all mushroom experts swear by
    • What to bring on your mushroom picking adventure
    • The most detailed guide on foraging equipment, including a helpful checklist to ensure you never venture into the woods unprepared
    • Numerous safety guidelines that will ensure no dangerous specimens end up in your basket
    • Top Pacific Northwest foraging spots other mushroom lovers don’t want you to know about
    • A comprehensive guide on over 40 mushroom species common in the area, including edible, inedible, and poisonous ones
    • Heaps of helpful tips and tricks for storing and cooking mushrooms, including some delicious and simple recipes even kids will rave about

    And much more.

    Mushroom picking is an incredible hobby.

    You’re out in the open, enjoying nature and the fresh air, and you’re bringing home something that will have a fantastic impact on your health.

    Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you - if you follow the rules closely and always play it safe, you’re in no danger whatsoever.

    Mushrooms are just like every other type of life on Earth - there are good guys and there are bad guys.

    All you need to know is how to tell one from the other.

    And that’s precisely what this guide will help you to do. 

    ©2021 Darcy Field (P)2021 Darcy Field

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