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Couverture de For a Greater Purpose: The Life and Legacy of Walter Bradley

For a Greater Purpose: The Life and Legacy of Walter Bradley

De : Robert J. Marks II, William A. Dembski
Lu par : Barry G. Bernson
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    Walter Bradley made a deal with God: He would unashamedly share his faith with students and faculty, and he would not let academic ambition prevent him from giving his faith and family the time they deserve. The day he could no longer keep that deal, he would leave the academy. He never had to.

    From his days as a determined graduate assistant sharing his love for Jesus with his first class, to becoming one of the most respected engineering professors in academia, Walter Bradley remained a man of integrity, dedicated to truth and love. He’s made a difference in myriad ways from leading a small Bible study for students in his home to defending intelligent design before large crowds of his academic peers. He’s equally comfortable performing ground-breaking research for NASA, serving as an expert witness in the courtroom, or empowering people in Africa with appropriate technologies. Through it all, one thing has remained true: Walter Bradley made a crucial difference for good in countless lives.

    In For a Greater Purpose: The Life and Legacy of Walter Bradley, authors Robert Marks and William Dembski detail the story of this remarkable man whose passion for God, science, higher education, and human empowerment provides an excellent model of someone who integrates faith and learning.

    ©2020 Erasmus Press (P)2020 Erasmus Press

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