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Couverture de For She Is Wrath

For She Is Wrath

De : Emily Varga
Lu par : Safiyya Ingar
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    Lovers-to-enemies as you've never seen it before, Emily Varga's YA romantasy debut For She is Wrath is the epic tale of a girl escaped from prison and hell-bent on revenge.

    Betrayed by her ex-lover and falsely imprisoned for a crime she didn’t commit, Dania counts down the days until she can exact her revenge. When a fellow prisoner offers a chance at escape and the keys to a dangerous Jinn magic, Dania seizes the opportunity and, armed with a brand-new identity and all the power she could want, enacts a plan to bring down those who betrayed her and her family.

    But the one person standing in her way is the very man who signed her life away in the first place, and retribution becomes a complicated game of cat and mouse. Because sometimes betrayal isn’t as simple as it seems and revenge certainly isn’t as easy – not when your heart is involved.

    Prepare to be swept away in this epic and romantic gender-flipped retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo by debut author Emily Varga.

    ©2025 Emily Varga (P)2025 Macmillan Publishers International Limited

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