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Couverture de For Letter or Worse

For Letter or Worse

De : Vivian Conroy
Lu par : Sandy Rustin
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    The second book in the Stationary Shop Mystery series from Vivian Conroy! When a killer strikes, it becomes clear that this murder mystery has more dimensions than Delta Douglas and her Paper Posse could have ever imagined....  

    This new crafting cozy mystery release is: 

    • For fans of Lauren Elliot and Essie Lang 
    • For fans of cozy mysteries and small-town fiction 

    The scissors are sharpened and the cardstock stacked for Delta Douglas' latest workshop: a 3D cardmaking event at socialite Lena Laroy's birthday extravaganza. As co-owner of Wanted, the local stationery shop, Delta is ready to wow her guests with her one-of-a-kind crafts. But at this party, paper isn't the only thing bent out of shape. When a threatening present is unwrapped and the guest of honor's sister-in-law is discovered dead by the trees, Delta realizes another killer is loose in her small town.  

    Before the cake is even cut, suspects appear from the folds, and Delta and her Paper Posse must analyze the evidence to track the culprit down. But, with Lena's list of enemies a mile long, Delta soon discovers this case has more dimensions than she bargained for.  

    In this new cozy mystery from Vivian Conroy, Delta and her team will have to get creative to catch a killer!

    ©2020 Vivian Conroy (P)2020 Recorded Books

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