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  • For I Know

  • Interpreting the Bible to Understand and Apply God’s Word to Empower Your Life
  • De : Ron Russo
  • Lu par : James Lawrence
  • Durée : 3 h et 42 min

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For I Know

De : Ron Russo
Lu par : James Lawrence
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    I wonder what plans, hope, and future God has for my life!

    How about for your life, do you wonder?

    Are you sitting there maybe alone or with others but lost in your mind and in life? Thinking to yourself, "My life is not in a good place, I am not in a happy place. I have no hope, plans, or future to be excited about in my life." There is of course the other possibility: You could be sitting there thinking, "My plans are good, but I need better plans, more to hope for, and what do I need to change for my future to be even better?"

    Take a break from the stresses of life, relax, and listen as I break down Jeremiah 29:11-12 and let us see what God has to say about his plans, hope, and future for you that will empower and bless your life.

    Oh yeah...and we cannot leave out Jeremiah 29:13.... Jeremiah 29:11-12 is very empowering scripture, but you need to carry on through Jeremiah 29:13 to piece it all together with what is most important to God in this powerful and positive life changing scripture that will bring you peace and happiness.

    I pray you will enjoy listening and also consider recommending this book to others and that it blesses and empowers your life and the lives of those you share this with as much as I have enjoyed creating and sharing this book with you.

    ©2023 Ron Russo (P)2023 Ron Russo

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