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Couverture de For Brown Girls with Sharp Edges and Tender Hearts

For Brown Girls with Sharp Edges and Tender Hearts

De : Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodríguez
Lu par : Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodríguez
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    The founder of Latina Rebels and a “Latinx Activist You Should Know” (Teen Vogue) arms women of color with the tools and knowledge they need to find success on their own terms.

    For generations, Brown girls have had to push against powerful forces of sexism, racism, and classism, often feeling alone in the struggle. By founding Latina Rebels, Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodríguez has created a community to help women fight together. In For Brown Girls with Sharp Edges and Tender Hearts, she offers wisdom and a liberating path forward for all women of color. She crafts powerful ways to address the challenges Brown girls face, from imposter syndrome to colorism. She empowers women to decolonize their worldview, and defy “universal” White narratives, by telling their own stories. Her book guides women of color toward a sense of pride and sisterhood and offers essential tools to energize a movement.

    May it spark a fire within you.

    ©2021 Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez (P)2021 Seal Press


    “Searing and revolutionary, this book blazes a trail towards liberation.” (Diane Guerrero, author of In the Country We Love)

    "This is the Brown girl manifesto I've been waiting for my whole life." (Erika L. Sánchez, author of I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter)

    "Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodríguez perfectly balances the art of memoir with a biting critical eye, offering an understanding of Latina womanhood bursting with intellect, but grounded in real-life experience. With her carefully chosen words, she invites readers into a deeper relationship with themselves, their communities, and the world at large." (Melissa A. Fabello, PhD, author of Appetite)

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