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Couverture de Foodology


De : Saliha Mahmood Ahmed
Lu par : Saliha Mahmood Ahmed
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    A game-changing exploration of the amazing organ that is the human gut, which will transform your relationship with food.

    "The book will take you on a joint culinary and scientific journey through the gut. This is not a book about 'dieting' in the conventional sense, nor is it a didactic manual on how to make each and every food decision in life. It is an unapologetic celebration of what I believe to be the most amazing organ of the body, that will enhance and enlighten the way you cook and eat." (Saliha Mahmood Ahmed)

    Written by a consultant gastroenterologist and award-winning food writer, Foodology offers a unique perspective on the joy of eating. Explaining the process of digestion and how the food we eat influences the way we feel, Saliha draws on the latest science and her own experiences as both a doctor and a cook, to bring the subject to life. From childhood memories of devouring Indian street food to why munching on a jam doughnut brings gastronomic happiness, Saliha offers simple, delicious and mostly vegetarian recipes to help you explore your gut health and find your own gastronomic happiness.

    Foodology takes you on a journey from the first smell of food and bite of goodness through to the time it takes for food to leave the system, and all the processes in between. Have you ever thought about why certain smells can make your mouth water, how the texture of food can impact your taste and why some foods can make you bloat? Saliha takes you on an extensive journey through the gut to show you the true joy of food and why gastronomic happiness is so important to our lives.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio.

    ©2021 Saliha Mahmood Ahmed (P)2021 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

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