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Couverture de Follow Her Down

Follow Her Down

De : Victoria Helen Stone
Lu par : Nicol Zanzarella
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    Decades of doubt, fear, and suspicion won’t let a woman overcome her trauma in a riveting novel of suspense by the Amazon Charts bestselling author of Jane Doe and The Hook.

    The murder of Elise Rockwood’s sister shattered her family. Their mother’s anxiety kept her housebound. Elise’s paranoid brother, Kyle, saw conspiracies everywhere. Elise numbed her grief in an aimless lifestyle that left her emotionally broken. All of them victims. A local boy eventually confessed, but the damage was already done.

    Years later, Elise is reinventing herself. She’s bought a mountain lodge to be close to home again and to find stability. Not even an email from her ex tempts her into revisiting the past. But Kyle won’t let it go. He still believes there’s more to their sister’s murder—and the confession—than meets the eye. When Elise’s ex is found dead in the same forest where her sister went missing decades before, Elise is finally willing to listen.

    The traumas of the past are reemerging. So is the truth. Elise’s greatest fear now is who will survive it.

    ©2024 Victoria Helen Stone (P)2024 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.


    Follow Her Down is compulsively readable and surprisingly moving—with a twist that knocked me off my seat. This one will burrow deep into your muscle.”—Jess Lourey, Edgar Award-nominated author of The Taken Ones

    Follow Her Down pulled me into a tangled web I didn’t want to get out of! Like any good true crime devotee, I couldn’t help but binge this story and heed Stone’s bidding to ‘follow her down’ a path of distrust, denial, and intrigue all stemming from a decades-old mystery that’s suddenly found new life. Fellow fans of true crime will be spellbound by Stone’s tense, empathetic writing and fascinated by the window she provides into the long-lasting effects on a family that’s found themselves at the center of one of these tragic but enthralling stories.”—Emily Bleeker, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of When I’m Gone

    “A must-read for romantic suspense fans, Follow Her Down delivers nonstop tension and a mind-bending twist. You’ll root for Elise to overcome the traumatic past she’s desperate to escape.”—Melinda Leigh, Wall Street Journal bestselling author

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