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Couverture de Focalizing Source Energy

Focalizing Source Energy

De : Michael Picucci
Lu par : Michael Picucci
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    Listen to this book if you would like to discover "focalizing", an evolutionary healing technique that transcends talk-therapy as we have known it. Focalizing is a no-shame, no-blame, right-here, right-now approach that is inspired from recent discoveries in the realms of energy psychology, somatic healing, and neuroscience. Focalizing guides us to connect with our bodies in a simple yet powerful approach to healing. Through this process we learn how source energy can optimize our lives by addressing our conditioned thinking, unhealed traumas, and sexual wounds. And at each step we gain freedom from the obstacles in our way and the suffering they cause.

    This small book is meant to be enjoyed and intended to be a welcome for who we really are while moving into the multi-dimensional experiences of source energy. Source energy refers to the life force emanating through and connecting all things. Each one of us is a manifestation of this energy. Therefore becoming more aware of source energy and working with it can miraculously optimize our lives beyond imagination. Author and therapist Michael Picucci developed focalizing with inspiration from myriad techniques he was exposed to in his long career. Focalizing is both a healing modality and creative process for continuous, spirited energy that naturally realigns us for happier, more playful lives.

    ©2012 Michael Picucci (P)2012 Michael Picucci

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