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Couverture de Flying Off the Candle

Flying Off the Candle

De : Sarah E. Burr
Lu par : Melissa Green
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    Spring has sprung in Crucible, and so has another twisted mystery.

    After a string of unsettling murders in their beloved hometown, candlemaker Hazel Wickbury and her aunt Poppy finally feel like the worst is behind them. They're looking forward to enjoying the Big Melt festival, a celebration of Lake Glenmyre's thawing and the arrival of warmer days.

    But their budding plans are put on ice when a dead body is discovered in a car near Hazel's cottage. Even more troubling, the victim was a former friend of literary superstar Constance Crane. When the police come knocking at Constance's door, Hazel and Poppy are determined to prove their friend isn't the killer. Their amateur investigation soon uncovers hidden agendas and long-held grudges threatening to snuff out the peace in their idyllic town.

    Can Hazel and Poppy solve the case before they get burned?

    Join the Glenmyre Girls for another thrilling adventure in this award-winning cozy mystery series with a sprinkle of paranormal fun.

    ©2024 Sarah E. Burr (P)2024 Sarah E. Burr

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