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  • Flourish in Relationships

  • Everything You Need to Know as a Young Adult with ADHD: Better Understand Your ADHD and Implement Strategies for Healthy, Long-Lasting Connections
  • De : Robert Joyce
  • Lu par : Justin Hewitt
  • Durée : 2 h et 55 min

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Flourish in Relationships

De : Robert Joyce
Lu par : Justin Hewitt
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    Are you constantly zoning out or interrupting conversations?

    Have you ever struggled with social anxiety, especially when meeting new people?

    Do you find it hard to trust and be vulnerable with others out of fear and judgment?

    Does any of that sound familiar? Navigating the world as a young adult already has its challenges, let alone a young adult with ADHD. In comes Flourish In Relationships to help!

    The author Robert Joyce was diagnosed with ADHD when he was a young adult, so he intimately knows what it’s like to have the neurodevelopmental disorder, and at such a critical and transitional phase of life. This book is your guide on how to have better relationships with everyone, including yourself.

    This book:

    • Provides an explanation of what ADHD is, and why it happens
    • Describes how symptoms can affect relationships (from early childhood through to the young adult years), and
    • Offers strategies to manage symptoms before, during and after social interactions

    You’ll also discover how to:

    • Communicate better, focusing on slowing yourself down to improve articulation and active listening
    • Build respect, trust, and vulnerability with those close to you
    • Sustain long-term romantic relationships past the honeymoon period
    • Develop a better relationship with yourself
    • Recognize and celebrate your unique ADHD strengths

    So if you want to know how you can have better conversations, be more confident in social settings and create deeper and more meaningful connections, then this is the book for YOU.

    ©2024 Robert Joyce (P)2024 Robert Joyce

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