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Couverture de Flirty Little Secret

Flirty Little Secret

De : Jessica Lepe
Lu par : Stacy Gonzalez, Will Collyer
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    You’ve Got Mail meets Abbott Elementary in this sweet, sexy romantic comedy for fans of Lynn Painter and Lyssa Kay Adams.

    School counselor Lucy Galindo has a secret.

    To her coworkers, friends, and even family, she’s shy, sweet, and constantly struggling to hold off disaster (read: manage her anxiety and depression). But online? She’s bold, confident, and always knows what to say—it’s how she’s become the wildly popular @TheMissGuidedCounselor. It’s also why she keeps her identity anonymous. Her followers would never trust the real Lucy with their problems.

    History teacher Aldrich Fletcher thought a new job would give him some relief from his drama-filled family. Instead, he’s dodging his ex-girlfriend and pining over his new co-worker—who only ever seems to see him at his worst. Thankfully, he can count on his online confidant for advice . . . until he discovers @TheMissGuidedCounselor is Lucy.

    Now Fletcher has a secret too. And while Lucy can’t deny there’s something between them, she’s not sure she can trust him. Can they both find the courage to share the truth and step out from behind their screens?

    ©2024 Jessica Lepe (P)2024 Forever
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance


    "This sparkling debut marks Lepe as a writer to watch when it comes to modern rom-coms."—Kirkus, Starred Review

    "The romance plays out as a fresh, diverse twist on You’ve Got Mail . . . Fans of Abbott Elementary will be especially charmed."—Publishers Weekly
    "Unputdownable; will leave readers clamoring for more."—Library Journal

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