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Couverture de Flamebringer


De : Elle Katharine White
Lu par : Billie Fulford-Brown
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    Monsters, manners, and magic combine in this exciting final volume in the Heartstone trilogy - an exhilarating blend of epic fantasy and Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice - in which a fearless healer and her dragon-riding husband must stop a reawakened evil from destroying their world.

    “The summons comes for the House of Edan Daired. Debts must be paid.”

    Tristan Wydrick, sworn enemy of House Daired, is back from the dead. Possessed by a ghast and sharing its shadowy unlife, he commands not only the soul-sucked ghastradi but also the monstrous Tekari forces bent on Arle’s destruction. As their enemies begin amassing, desperate Arleans look to their greatest defenders. But Aliza and Alastair Daired, along with their dragon Akarra, are far from home, trapped in the icy northern wastes by Wydrick’s treachery.

    Fighting their way through blizzards, haunted forests, and their own growing fears, the Daireds find a new battle awaiting them in the capital, for the Tekari and ghastradi are not the only forces converging on the heart of the kingdom. Another moves toward Arle, riding the winds from the south: an ambassador from the Silent King of Els.

    Unknown enemy? Or unexpected ally? Plunged into the dangerous world of royal intrigue and ancient grudges, Aliza and Alastair soon realize it will take more than steel and dragonfire to save their kingdom, for the silence of Els hides a secret that could shake House Daired to its foundations.

    And silence, it seems, is about to be broken.

    ©2019 Elle Katharine White (P)2019 HarperAudio

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