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Couverture de Fit in 15 at 60+!

Fit in 15 at 60+!

De : Michael Jenner
Lu par : Bruce Murdock
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    Discover the simple, effective exercises that will change your life, even if you've never stepped foot in a gym before....

    Do you find yourself worrying about losing your independence as you get older?

    Many people believe that as you get older, you have to accept an inevitable physical decline—that you're doomed to eventual frailty and dependence on others. In fact, the Center for Disease Control found that approximately 1 in 4 adults over the age of 50 are inactive, with inactivity being 30% higher among those with a chronic disease. But this couldn't be further from the truth. Regular exercise has actually been shown to improve physical and cognitive abilities, regardless of the age you start getting active. Now, this doesn't mean you need to become a gym rat or start training for a marathon. In fact, you can begin to see changes in your physical health with just 15 minutes of exercise a day.

    In Fit in 15 at 60 Plus, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:

    • 21 exercises in 21 days, with step-by-step guidance for proper form and modifications
    • How to stay motivated, even if you dread exercising and have no fitness experience
    • The critical mistake people make when training their core that is undermining all your efforts
    • Why flexibility is such a crucial part of fitness, with stretches designed to effectively target your upper and lower body
    • Common fitness myths and misconceptions that are holding you back from your fullest potential
    • The major muscle groups that work in tandem to keep you independent and mobile
    • Weighted and non-weighted exercises you can perform without a gym or expensive equipment
    • Why strength training isn't just for bodybuilders, and the major benefits of incorporating it into your exercise plan
    • And much more.

    It's never been easier to turn your home into a personal gym—one that doesn't require confusing equipment. With the techniques you'll discover inside, you'll be able to take your exercise routine with you anywhere you go.

    ©2023 Celtic Tiger Publishing (P)2023 Celtic Tiger Publishing

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