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Fisher Investments on Technology

De : Fisher Investments, Brendan Erne, Andrew Teufel
Lu par : Kevin Young
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    The sixth installment of the Fisher Investments On... series is a comprehensive guide to understanding and analyzing investment opportunities within the technology sector. Fisher Investments on Technology can help you quickly become familiar with this highly diversified sector, how the sector is segmented by industries, their respective macroeconomic drivers, and the challenges facing technology firms. 

    This reliable guide skillfully addresses how to determine optimal times to invest in technology stocks, and which industries and sub-industries have the potential to perform well in various environments. The global technology sector is complex, including a variety of sub-industries and countries, each with their own unique characteristics. Using the framework found here, you'll discover how to identify these differences, spot opportunities, and avoid major pitfalls. 

    Fisher Investments on Technology

    • Discusses industry fundamentals, drivers, attributes, and potential challenges 
    • Addresses the challenges unique to Technology and some common pitfalls to avoid 
    • Delves into top-down investment methodology as well as individual security analysis 
    • Outlines a five-step process to help differentiate Technology firms designed to help you identify ones that may have greatest probability of outperforming 
    • Provides investment strategies for a variety of market environments 

    Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, Fisher Investments on Technology provides a framework for understanding this sector and its industries, to help you make better investment decisions - now and in the future. With this book as your guide, you can gain a global perspective on the technology sector and discover strategies to help achieve your investing goals. 

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2010 Fisher Investments Press (P)2012 Gildan Media

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