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Couverture de First-Time Mom’s Affirmations for Pregnancy and Mindful Birthing

First-Time Mom’s Affirmations for Pregnancy and Mindful Birthing

De : Helen Xander
Lu par : Corrinne LePage for HotGhost Productions
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    Free PDF Version of This Audiobook Will Be Included with Your Purchase!

    Are you a first-time mother, or are you pregnant again after a loss? Do you feel overwhelmed with your condition, the delivery, or the overall motherhood journey ahead? Are you looking for ways to ease your mind, and to experience an empowering pregnancy and a mindful childbirth? 

    If so, these 1000+ affirmations are for you, as they will boost up your confidence and internal strengths through meditation and positive thinking. 

    Congratulations on becoming a new mother and taking a first step toward a mindful pregnancy! Although unique and magical, such an experience comes with a variety of challenges. For these reasons, Motherhood Moods has decided to focus on the emotional support and encouragement of the new and expecting mothers through meditation and positive thinking. The result? A mind at peace, a wellbeing all along the motherhood journey: from femininity, through fertility, love, sleep, digestion, partner’s support, labor, and more. 

    Enjoy these meditation sessions, focus on these daily positive and powerful affirmations, and boost your confidence and happiness. Just relax, close your eyes, calmly listen to these affirmations, express your love to your baby, and be the great and confident parent you wish to be!

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio. 

    ©2021 Helen Xander (P)2021 Motherhood Moods

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