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  • First-Time Dad Mastery

  • Simple, Proven Strategies for Emotional Bonding, Balancing Work and Family, and a Strong, Reliable Rock
  • De : Dante Cacal
  • Lu par : Jason Tibor
  • Durée : 3 h et 48 min

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First-Time Dad Mastery

De : Dante Cacal
Lu par : Jason Tibor
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    Ready to discover the father you're meant to be? This audiobook unveils the essential insights for the modern dad, guiding you to be the hero your child looks up to. Embrace the journey of fatherhood with the wisdom and tools to navigate its challenges and joys.

    Many new dads feel they're stepping into the unknown. This guide is your compass, offering not just practical advice but the deeper understanding necessary to thrive in this role.

    • Undergo a transformative mindset shift from 'Man' to 'Dad'—a pivotal change for those who feel unprepared.
    • Forge a bond with your newborn that's ten times stronger than the average dad's, using little-known yet proven techniques.
    • Master the essential tasks that go beyond the basics, like setting up the crib, to truly connect with your child.
    • Balance work and fatherhood with finesse, maintaining calm and presence amidst the chaos.
    • Establish family traditions that create lifelong memories and a strong family bond.

    This audiobook doesn't just help you survive fatherhood; it helps you excel at it. It's about more than getting through—it's about understanding, enjoying, and growing in this vital role.

    Being a dad is a legacy, filled with promise and emotion. If you're ready to embrace fatherhood with confidence, clarity, and love, click “Add to Cart” now.

    ©2024 Dante A Cacal (P)2024 Dante A Cacal

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