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  • First Time Dad

  • 7 Principles to Master Pregnancy, Prepare for Baby, and Dominate Year 1 of Fatherhood and Beyond
  • De : D.J. Gladstone
  • Lu par : Luke Walrath
  • Durée : 4 h et 46 min

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First Time Dad

De : D.J. Gladstone
Lu par : Luke Walrath
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    Timeless Wisdom for Fearless Fatherhood: A First-Time Dad's Trusted Companion for Unshakable Confidence and Becoming the Leader Your New Family Deserves.

    Stumbling through parenting advice overload? Struggling to balance work, family, and partner? This book is your ultimate guide to conquer doubts, embrace parenthood, and never miss a beat in your child's life.

    Key Points:

    1. Balancing work and family: Strategies for success at home and in the office.
    2. Fostering emotional intelligence in your baby from the start.
    3. Handling parental advice overload: Trusting your instincts as a first-time dad.
    4. Surviving sleep deprivation: Proven strategies to function at your best.
    5. Preparing for baby's arrival: The ultimate checklist for dad's hospital bag.

    Discover the 'First Time Dad' manual designed for your unique journey. Busy schedules are the norm, so this book is your go-to resource in fleeting moments. Bite-sized chapters packed with actionable advice transform idle moments into valuable learning experiences!

    This book doesn't replace your journey; it complements it. Benefit from seasoned dads' wisdom, avoid pitfalls, and turn real-life experiences into successful and rewarding ones.

    Knowledge is power. This book explores the nuances of genuine fatherhood, offering powerful perspectives, time-tested strategies, and solutions to adversities you might not have considered.

    Embrace the beautiful imperfections of fatherhood with genuine love and unforgettable adventures. Boost your paternal confidence, take the first step in becoming the fearless father you were meant to be—click the “Add to Cart” button now!

    ©2024 Marvin Pasibe (P)2024 Marvin Pasibe

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