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  • First Day of School - Koko and Roo Learn About Love, Patience and Kindness

  • Based on the Fruits of the Spirit, Ages 3-7
  • De : Mel Madsen
  • Lu par : Amber Schwinn
  • Durée : 7 min

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Couverture de First Day of School - Koko and Roo Learn About Love, Patience and Kindness

First Day of School - Koko and Roo Learn About Love, Patience and Kindness

De : Mel Madsen
Lu par : Amber Schwinn
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    First Day of School - Koko and Roo Learn About Love, Patience and Kindness, by Mel Madsen, is a wonderful guide for children to learn about the fruits of the Spirit, as well as to understand the practical examples of how to implement them into daily lives.

    Children will be encouraged with:

    • Basic examples of how to overcome circumstances with love and patience
    • Practical examples of how to exercise self-control, with grace and prayer

    First Day of School - Koko and Roo Learn About Love, Patience and Kindness is:

    • Perfect for children ages three to eight
    • A great gift for baby showers, baptisms, and birthdays
    • The perfect book to enjoy at story time or bedtime

    About the author: Mel Madsen is a passionate child of God, wife, and mother to three beautiful children. Mel currently lives in England with her husband and children, having made the move from South Africa in 2018.

    ©2020 Melissa Madsen (P)2021 Melissa Madsen
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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