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Couverture de Firian Rising

Firian Rising

De : Carly Stevens
Lu par : Jake Ruddle
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    When everything you imagine is within reach, what will you choose? Few people can create reality from imagination. Firian Kess is one of those few.

    When Firian’s ability earns him a coveted spot in the mysterious Tanyuin Academy, he finally has a chance to prove his worth. Despite obstacles and rivals, he stays intensely focused, determined that nothing will stop him from becoming the world’s best warrior.

    Kiria Arioc, the spirited heir to the throne of the war-torn Western Kingdom, has hidden abilities of her own. But, even those don’t completely allay her fears that she doesn’t have what it takes to lead the nation she loves.

    When Firian comes to the capital to protect her, his mission takes an unexpected turn. He begins to suspect the Academy might be using them both for its own darker purposes. When the two don’t know who to trust, will they be forced to turn on each other?

    If you liked Red Queen or the mind-bending action of The Matrix, try this new fantasy full of intrigue, adventure, and enemies that might be closer than you think.

    ©2019 Carly Stevens (P)2022 Carly Stevens

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