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Couverture de Firestorm


De : Carly J. Dana
Lu par : Jonathan Drake-Summers
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    The thrilling sequel to Identity!

    Forced to return home to the Crown Island of Keveland, to raise the alarm about the threat of an invasion from the Rendimarians, Princess Summer will find herself facing greater challenges than she ever expected.

    In her absence, the Shadowlin Kingdom has fallen into turmoil. The High Queen, relieved at her daughter’s safe return, is deeply concerned that the kingdom is close to splintering. Summer will face the weight of new responsibilities as she is given even more authority by her mother.

    Meanwhile, Summer must live with the secret knowledge that she has magical abilities. Having magic could cost Summer her freedom, or possibly her life, if it were discovered. Her only solace in such trying times are the thoughts of one day returning to the Academy and to Troy.

    While Summer faces the firestorm back on Keveland, Troy must grapple with his own unique challenges. Troy’s whole world has been ripped apart: His twin brother, Erick, and his friends, Page and Tommy, were abducted by the Rendimarians and Summer swiftly departed the Academy to return home.

    With his heart broken, a sense of hopelessness has settled over Troy’s spirit.

    Troy is unsure how he can sit idly by, studying at the Academy, while he knows his brother and friends are in peril. In a moment of desperation, Troy finds an unlikely ally who will help him in his quest to rescue those for whom he cares.

    Will he find his brother and friends in time or will the brewing turmoil in the Shadowlin Kingdom steal his focus?

    ©2022 Carly J Dana (P)2023 Carly J Dana

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