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Couverture de Fire the Haters

Fire the Haters

De : Jillian Johnsrud
Lu par : Jillian Johnsrud
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    Sharing your creative and entrepreneurial ventures online can feel like traversing a rough and uncharted ocean, full of setbacks and obstacles that might sink your ship.

    Unless you have an experienced friend to help you navigate it. Someone who will show you the ropes and share the map. Pulling from the collective wisdom of creatives and entrepreneurs of every strip, Jillian compiled this guidebook.

    If you ever wanted to go out to coffee and “pick the brain” of someone who has successfully navigated this creative entrepreneurial life, this is your chance. All for the price of two lattes.

    We will deal with your three big stumbling blocks:

    • Online critics: How do you “fire the haters” and create boundaries online to keep you working, healthy and productive?
    • Inner critic: From imposter syndrome to fears of what friends and family might think.
    • Failure, fear, and finding the courage to create: Cancel culture, recovering from failure, and how to stay in the game.
    ©2021 Jillian Johnsrud (P)2021 Jillian Johnsrud

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