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Couverture de Fire and Rain

Fire and Rain

De : Diane Chamberlain
Lu par : Karen White
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    From the Sunday Times top 10 best-selling author of Big Lies in A Small Town, a gripping novel that asks...what if the only person you can trust is the last person you should?

    Valle Rosa, a small drought-weary town in Southern California, is under destruction from deadly wildfires. Into the midst of this crisis rolls a handsome stranger calling himself Jeff Cabrio, who claims he can cure the town's troubles by making it rain. But Cabrio's entrance into the community brings more than just potential rain, and it's not long before the residents' interests turn from the weather to their mysterious neighbour.

    For tragedy-afflicted sculptress Mia Tanner, Cabrio unearths old wounds and new loves. For struggling Journalist Carmen Perez, Cabrio brings the possibility of revitalizing her career by uncovering the truth about him. And former major-league player Chris Garrett is offered the chance to come to terms with the demise of his career as a professional baseball Pitcher. As three lives become irrevocably entwined, it's not long before each is forced to face the ghosts of their past.

    ©2011 Diane Chamberlain (P)2011 Headline Publishing Group Ltd

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