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Couverture de Fire Season

Fire Season

De : Gary Indiana, Christian Lorentzen
Lu par : Charles Constant
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    "One of the most important chroniclers of the modern psyche."—The Guardian

    Whether he's describing Tracy Emin or Warhol, the films of Barbet Schroeder ("Schroeder is well aware that life is not a narrative; that we impose form on the movements of chance, contingency, and impulse . . .") or the installations of Barbara Kruger ("Kruger compresses the telling exchanges of lived experience that betray how skewed our lives are . . ."), Indiana is never just describing. His writing is refreshing, erudite, joyful.

    Indiana champions shining examples of literary and artistic merit regardless of whether the individual artist or writer is famous; asserts a standard of care and tradition that has nothing to do with the ivory tower establishment; is unafraid to deliver the coup de grâce when someone needs to say the emperor has no clothes; speaks in the same breath—in the same discerning, insolent, eloquent way—about high art and pop culture. Few writers could get away with saying the things Gary Indiana does. And when the writing is this good, it's also political, plus it's a riot of fun.

    ©2021 Gary Indiana. (P)2024 Tantor



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