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Couverture de Finding Grace

Finding Grace

De : Larry Randolph, Jennifer Marshall Bleakley
Lu par : Tyler Boss
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    After a devastating series of personal losses, Larry Randolph finally had things under control. Then one morning while praying, he felt God speak two simple words to his heart: "Therapy dogs."

    There was only one problem. Larry didn't have a dog, and hadn't since the loss of his beloved basset hound, Gus. Why would God say that? Could Larry even open himself up to loving a dog again? He had far more questions than answers. But then came Grace.

    Together, Larry and his beloved yellow lab Gracie brought hope and healing to hundreds of sick and lonely people. But when Larry's own life takes a shocking and terrifying turn, it's up to Gracie to rescue Larry and his family too.

    - Perfect for those looking for gifts for dog lovers and fans of animal stories

    - Told with humor and heart

    - Full of life lessons

    Written by Jennifer Marshall Bleakley (Joey and Pawverbs) and Larry Randolph, Finding Grace is the inspiring true story of a man willing to take a leap of faith and the four-legged companions by his side.

    ©2023 Larry Randolph and Jennifer Marshall Bleakley (P)2023 eChristian

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