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Finders Takers

De : Brian Lehman
Lu par : Shea Weber
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Wealth and privilege suddenly becomes a very dangerous game when their past catches up with them. Suspenseful and fun!

They would do anything to protect their secrets...anything!

If you’re looking for a strong female character, here she is. Mary Kay is one badass chick!

In this suspenseful psychological crime thriller, three friends spend their lives hiding an improbable act of deception from their youth and how they became fabulously wealthy. Decades pass and the burden of guarding their secret and who they are takes a toll, derailing their lives and sending who they become down an unintended path. A childhood acquaintance's curiosity tips off the crime family they have been hiding from all along. What follows is revenge, kidnapping, greed, murder, the revelation of how the neighborhood mobster turned up murdered when the three were kids, a “deal with the devil”, and unforeseen, horrific madness.

The story will keep you guessing wrong until the climax you won’t see coming!

©2021 Brian Lehman (P)2021 Brian Lehman
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