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Couverture de Find My Happy

Find My Happy

De : Rebecca Jane Dandy
Lu par : R.J Dandy
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    What are Dandy Landy Books about? Dandy Landy Books are a wonderful way to help children identify their emotions in an ever-confusing world. Emotions play a key role throughout our entire life, and what we learn between the ages of 1-8 impacts our development and how we operate as adults. Creating a world of self-love and self-worth has to start with the kids. Let's give them what some of us never had: a chance to be a secure and balanced adult—an adult who can trust their own inner voice, validate, honor, and love themselves.

    What's the story?

    Little Luka Logan has woken up feeling snappy! Oh no! I hear you say. Well, my friend, do not fear! Luka meets a wonderfully dapper Monkey along the way. I'm talking suit-and-bow-tie wisdom. The best kind. Mr. Monkey doesn't hesitate to weave his magical words into the air, and with a fresh perspective, some kindness and love, Luka soon realizes that his happiness may not be as far away as he'd first believed.

    For ages 4-8 years

    ©2022 R.J Dandy (P)2022 R.J Dandy
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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