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Couverture de Finance for the People

Finance for the People

De : Paco de Leon
Lu par : Paco de Leon
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    An illustrated, practical guide to navigating your financial life, no matter your financial situation.

    We are all weird about money. Whether you have a lot or a little, your feelings and beliefs about money have been shaped by a combination of silence (or even shame) around talking about money, personal experiences, family and societal expectations, and a whole big complex system rigged against many of us from the start. Begin with that baseline premise and it’s no surprise so many of us find it so difficult to save enough money (but way too easy to get trapped in ballooning credit card debt), emotionally draining to deal with student loans, and nearly impossible to understand the esoteric world of investing.

    Unlike most personal finance books that focus on skills and behaviors, Finance for the People asks you to examine your beliefs and experiences around money - blending extremely practical exercises with mindfulness, and including more than 50 illustrations and diagrams to make the concepts accessible (and even fun). With deep insider expertise from years spent in many different corners of the financial industry, Paco de Leon is a friendly, approachable, and wise guide who invites listeners to change their relationship with money. With her holistic approach you’ll learn how to:

    • Root out your unconscious beliefs about money
    • Untangle the mental and emotional burden of student loans to pay them off
    • Use a gratitude practice to help you think differently about spending
    • Break out of the debt cycle and begin building wealth

    This book is for anyone who feels unseen, ignored, or bored to death by the way personal finances are approached and taught, and is ready to go on a journey of self-discovery and step into their financial power.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Paco de Leon (P)2022 Penguin Audio


    "Paco de Leon wrote a book on finance that makes me both excited to learn and ready to take action. De Leon's take-no-shit attitude mixed with illustrations and metaphors ranging from whiskey to explain inflation to plants to explain student debt makes this is one of the most approachable financial books I've ever read." Refinery 29

    "Finance for the People is a potent mix of deeply practical and wonderfully empathetic, with a much needed dash of cynicism about our financial systems. You will be better off in your financial life for picking up and reading this book." —Erin Lowry, author of the Broke Millennial series

    "FINANCE FOR THE PEOPLE is different—it’s a soothing balm and some needed real talk to those of us who are tired of being told that oat milk lattes are what's standing between us and homeownership or a healthy relationship with money. Paco de Leon actually sees systemic inequality, cognitive biases, childhood insecurity and deep fear as the powerful forces that hold so many people back from their financial destiny. This book is funny, practical and will remind the reader that like with all things worthwhile, being good at money requires intention, an examination of our beliefs and past experiences...and ultimately just showing up for ourselves.” —Aminatou Sow, New York Times bestselling co-author of Big Friendship

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