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Couverture de Final Fire

Final Fire

De : Thomas R. Horn, Donna Howell, Larry Spargimino
Lu par : Mark McBride
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    In the midst of intense global societal discord (persecution, rights activism, racial tension, intense political hostility, and the resurgence of anti-establishment counterculture), many have lost faith in governments and even in church leadership to provide answers and stability. But this feeling has occurred before. From the Bohemian Reformation of John Wycliffe and Jan Hus in the 1300s to the Jesus People of the 60s and 70s, every era ripe with public dejection and faith-drought foreshadowed great spiritual awakenings. These often began in the unlikeliest of places by the most inconceivable of personalities, and then spread like uncontrollable brushfires across the land resulting in millions surrendering their hearts and lives to the Lord. As today’s world becomes more desperate to experience such personal meaning and social healing, the world is inadvertently moving toward another Great Awakening!


    How God used simple men, women, and youth of the past who were unqualified by human standards to irreversibly change the world;

    What practices were employed that reformed traditional religious rituals into personal relationships with Christ, and how those methods are poised to be repeated in the near future;

    Why the age of social networking through virtual technology is keeping families and communities from real human relationships, how this relates to an international and spiritual hunger for revival, and how this very same technology will pave the way for an even vaster spreading of the Gospel;

    Which current events are now contributing to the large-scale unrest mankind all feels, and how this is lining up to unleash what these authors believe to be the Greatest Awakening yet!;

    Evidence from around the globe that the Awakening may have already started, and will be joined by growing demonstrations of miracles, healings, prophetic visions, and angels in the days just ahead!

    ©2016 Defender Publishing (P)2024 Defender Publishing

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