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Couverture de Fighting for My Life

Fighting for My Life

De : Mia St. John, Elaine Aradillas
Lu par : Mia St. John
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    Mia St. John has always been on top of her game. A five-time world champion boxer known as The Knockout because of her ability to level any opponent charging toward her, Mia spent two decades in the spotlight transforming her body into the ultimate fighting machine. But what most people don't know is that outside the ring, she was battling a lifetime of demons while struggling to keep her family together.

    Born to a Mexican mother and white father, she spent her young life feeling like an outsider while growing up in Idaho. She fled to California as soon as she was eighteen and left behind the abuse that came with an alcoholic father. Determined to show everyone she was a champion, Mia moved to Los Angeles to follow her dreams-and ended up meeting the love of her life, television star Kristoff St. John. Together, they created a beautiful family with their children, Julian and Paris, while doing their best to battle their own bouts with addiction.

    Mia's memoir takes listeners through her odyssey of grief and despair, but always the fighter, Mia gets up once again and shows the world how to face another day with dignity and determination to live the best life possible.

    ©2021 Mia St. John (P)2022 Tantor

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