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Couverture de Fighting for His Bride

Fighting for His Bride

De : Susannah Calloway
Lu par : Gracie Maughmer
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    Francis Jones, known as Jonesy, never intends to get married. He is too busy building his future - his small and budding ranch in the foothills of Colorado. But when he is shot by outlaws, the local doctor reminds him of his loneliness and urges him to find a mail-order bride.

    Jocelyn Baxter, a native of New York, promises her dying aunt she will find a husband in the West. She’ll build a future as a mail-order bride by marrying a man in needs of a wife.

    But when Jonesy and Jocelyn meet in correspondence, they have no idea what their first meeting in Shallow Gorge, Colorado, will bring. Before she even meets Jonesy, Jocelyn is accosted by Marvin Lewiston, who wants her for himself. Determined, Marvin vows to kill Jonesy to get him out of the way. 

    Can Jonesy survive the attacks on his ranch and his person by Marvin? What will Marvin do in his desperate need to have Jocelyn as his own? How can Jocelyn survive the untamed west?

    Caught between two men, she must learn to survive.

    ©2020 Tica House Publishing LLC (P)2020 Tica House Publishing LLC

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