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Couverture de Fight or Flight

Fight or Flight

De : Samantha Young
Lu par : Angelica Lee
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    A series of chance encounters leads to a sizzling new romance from the New York Times best-selling author of the On Dublin Street series.

    The universe is conspiring against Ava Breevort. As if flying back to Phoenix to bury a childhood friend wasn't hell enough, a cloud of volcanic ash traveling from overseas delayed her flight back home to Boston. Her last ditch attempt to salvage the trip was thwarted by an arrogant Scotsman, Caleb Scott, who steals a first class seat out from under her. Then over the course of their journey home, their antagonism somehow lands them in bed for the steamiest layover Ava's ever had. And that's all it was - until Caleb shows up on her doorstep.

    When pure chance pulls Ava back into Caleb's orbit, he proposes they enjoy their physical connection while he's stranded in Boston. Ava agrees, knowing her heart's in no danger since a) she barely likes Caleb and b) his existence in her life is temporary. Not long thereafter Ava realizes she's made a terrible error because as it turns out Caleb Scott isn't quite so unlikeable after all. When his stay in Boston becomes permanent, Ava must decide whether to fight her feelings for him or give into them. But even if she does decide to risk her heart on Caleb, there is no guarantee her stubborn Scot will want to risk his heart on her....

    ©2018 Samantha Young (P)2018 Penguin Audio


    “A delightfully flirty read full of banter and heat, Fight or Flight also captivated me with the depth of its emotional intuition. Ava and Caleb positively explode from the pages, and I was left at the end hugging my copy, both satisfied with the fantastic read and bereft that it was over.” (Christina Lauren, New York Times, USA Today, and number-one international best-selling author)

    “[Young’s] books have it all - gorgeous writing, sexy characters, heartbreak - I’m addicted.” (Number-one New York Times best-selling author Vi Keeland)

    “Funny, witty, sexy, and a little heartbreaking, [Young’s] outdone herself with Fight or Flight, and that’s saying a lot.” (USA Today best-selling author Penny Reid)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Fight or Flight

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