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Couverture de Fifty-Seven Fridays

Fifty-Seven Fridays

De : Myra Sack, Joanne Cacciatore PhD - foreword
Lu par : Myra Sack
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    "A wondrous, hopeful, heartbreaking witness to one of the darkest journeys imaginable . . . This will be one of those rare books that people reread, think about, and encourage others to read.” -Bruce D. Perry, MD, Ph.D, author, with Oprah Winfrey, of What Happened to You

    "I love this book. I absolutely could not put it down. It is beautifully written and cuts to the very heart of life and love: The story of Havi's short, beautiful life and early death from Tay-Sachs is harrowing, heartbreaking, uplifting, profound, and sometimes funny. Havi will charm the socks off you." -Anne Lamott

    Life is unfolding as planned for Myra Sack and her husband Matt until their beautiful year-old daughter Havi is diagnosed with Tay-Sachs, a fatal neurodegenerative disease, and given only a year to live. Myra and Matt decide to celebrate Havi's short life and vow to show her as much of the world as they can, surrounded by friends and family who relocate to be in Havi's orbit. Tapping their Judaism, they transform Friday night Shabbats into birthday parties—"Shabbirthdays"—to replace the birthdays Havi will never have."Shabbirthdays"—to replace the birthdays Havi will never have.

    ©2024 Myra Sack (P)2024 Tantor

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