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  • Fierce Wholeness

  • Finding Myself After Childhood Emotional Trauma
  • De : Robin Meade
  • Lu par : Robin Meade
  • Durée : 4 h et 11 min

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Fierce Wholeness

De : Robin Meade
Lu par : Robin Meade
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    When the Bible talks about the third- and fourth-generational curse, that's so true. If the curse is not broken by you, then who will stop it dead in its tracks? Dealing with forgotten pain, things you stuff down just to survive, is serious business. But that's what Robin Meade did. Growing up, she was criticized, put down, and stomped on—by her own family. She chose to bury her pain.

    Fierce Wholeness: Finding Myself After Childhood Emotional Trauma is Robin's story—in all of its raw and messy but authentic and beautiful transparency—as she unpacks the trajectory of her life from childhood to adulthood and seeks to repair the dam that had been busted, the riverbed that had been washed away, the landscape that had been obliterated by her family of origin.

    Listeners who grew up in the clutches of the branches of emotional abuse will be empowered by Robin's story because of the freedom that Jesus gives. Robin's story is raw and authentic, and listeners will be encouraged by how they too can find fierce wholeness in Christ.

    ©2020 Robin Meade (P)2022 One Audiobooks

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