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Couverture de Fierce Like a Firestorm

Fierce Like a Firestorm

De : Lana Harper, Lana Popović
Lu par : Hallie Bee Bard
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    In the bewitching conclusion to Lana Popovic’s sumptuous and romantic teen fantasy duology, perfect for fans of Holly Black and Leigh Bardugo, Malina must rescue her twin sister from a magical power more dangerous than Death.

    Twin sisters Iris and Malina thought they knew how to reverse the ancient curse that haunts their line, the spell that destines them to use their gleams—unique forms of beauty-manipulating magic—to entice and enchant none other than Death himself. But both sisters thought wrong.

    Instead of ending the wicked bargain with the power of her infinite bloom, Iris is taken to an uncanny realm between this world and the next. Only unlike all of Death’s companions before, Iris’s body goes on the one-way journey along with her soul, arriving in a kingdom never meant to sustain a living girl.

    Left behind, Lina searches for a way to save Iris. But as Lina unearths the dark secrets that bind her family and Iris tries to outwit Death on his own terrain, a power resurfaces that even Mara, the original witch mother, fears.

    Now both sisters must learn to fully embrace their gleams—or else they’ll truly lose each other forever.

    ©2018 Lana Popović and Lana Harper (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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