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Couverture de Feel Good Learning: On How to Prioritize, Focus, Study, and Learn Everything Better

Feel Good Learning: On How to Prioritize, Focus, Study, and Learn Everything Better

De : Deena Kara Shaffer PhD
Lu par : Deena Kara Shaffer PhD
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    Embark on a transformative journey with "Feel Good Learning," a must-listen guide to unlocking success and well-being in whatever you're learning! Dr. Deena Kara Shaffer, a nationally recognized learning specialist and sought out speaker, reveals the secrets to learning that sticks, heals, and feels good.

    Get ready to discover the "how" of learning like never before—from meaningful and effective studying, to reclaiming focus, to skillful prioritization when school, work, and life demand too much. Note-taking to test-taking, working through distraction to working with others, reading when it's confusing to writing when overwhelmed, managing time and urgent tasks to managing stress when workloads feel too much—strategies for these, and for every other hurt and hurdle students of all ages are confronted with in school.

    Whether in grade 5, navigating high school, or on a post-secondary path, all learners will feel welcomed and aknowledged, and will walk away with not just school-changing, but life-changing learning micro-interventions. Experience a newfound sense of confidence, balance, and achievement as you embark on a path to feel-good learning.

    Get ready to feel so much better—to actually feel good in what you’re learning, and how you’re learning it!

    ©2023 Deena Kara Shaffer, PhD (P)2024 Deena Kara Shaffer, PhD

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