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Couverture de Fearless


De : Mandy Gonzalez
Lu par : Mandy Gonzalez
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    “Will hit all the high notes for theater and mystery fans alike.” (Kirkus Reviews)

    Better Nate than Ever meets Love Sugar Magic in this spooky middle-grade novel from Hamilton and Broadway star Mandy Gonzalez about a group of young thespians who must face the ghost haunting their theater.

    Twelve-year-old Monica Garcia has arrived in NYC with her grandmother and a few suitcases to live her dream on Broadway. She’s been chosen as understudy to the star of Our Time, the famed Ethel Merman Theater’s last chance to produce a hit before it shutters its doors for good. Along with her fellow castmates - a.k.a. “the squad” - Monica has a big and very personal reason to want this show to succeed.

    But rumors of a long-running curse plague the theater. And when strange and terrible things start to threaten their hopes for a successful opening night, Monica and the rest of the squad must figure out how to reverse the curse before their big Broadway debuts.

    With the help of her new friends, her family, and a little magic, can Monica help save the show - and save their dreams? From Broadway and television star Mandy Gonzalez comes a story about what it means to dream, be yourself, and be fearless.

    ©2021 In This Together Media, LLC and Mandy Gonzalez. All rights reserved. (P)2021 Simon & Schuster, Inc. All rights reserved.
    • Série : Fearless, Volume 1
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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