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Couverture de Fearless Growth

Fearless Growth

De : Amanda Setili, Marshall Goldsmith - foreword
Lu par : Teri Schnaubelt
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    Customer behaviors, business models, technologies, and regulations are evolving quickly, and many of the strategic rules we formerly lived by have become obsolete.

    To be able to respond quickly and intelligently to the fast pace of change, we need all levels and functions in our businesses to be creative and responsive. We need both courage and speed.

    Fearless Growth provides new rules to enable your company to adapt faster, move faster, and grow faster. You will learn how to:

    • Capitalize on uncertainties in your market, rather than letting them slow you down.
    • Leverage the talent, assets, technology, and data that exist outside your company.
    • Get in sync with customers, gain early insight into changing needs, and bring the right solutions to market.
    • Open the floodgates of employee creativity, empowering employees to respond quickly and effectively to emerging opportunities.
    • Continually build your company's capabilities and knowledge through constant experimentation.
    • Build a high degree of trust within your company and with the entities outside your company.

    Fearless Growth provides a proactive approach, with practical examples, tools, frameworks, and guidance for adapting to and succeeding in our volatile world.

    ©2018 Amanda Setili (P)2017 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved, by arrangement with The Career Press, Inc.

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