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Couverture de Fatwa: Hunted in America

Fatwa: Hunted in America

De : Pamela Geller
Lu par : Pamela Geller
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    Her critics have called her 'the most dangerous woman in America,' 'far-right hate queen,' and 'the anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead.'   

    Her admirers say she is 'the Joan of Arc of the counter-jihad movement,' 'one of the top world experts in radical Islam, sharia, and Islamic supremacism,' and 'a wonderful fighter for liberty.'   

    Now, in Fatwa: Hunted in America, Pamela Geller recounts her unlikely journey from New York City career girl to a fearless human rights and free speech activist reviled by the enemies of freedom the world over. 'I assumed my freedom,' she writes. 'Never for one moment did I think that it could be taken from me. But all that changed on one day.'   

    That day was September 11, 2001, when the global jihad struck America with murderous force. The United States of America and the free world were never the same again.   

    Neither was Pamela Geller.   

    In this book, Geller shares how she launched her blogging career, defended abused Muslim girls, stood against the advance of sharia, and fought for the freedom of speech – a freedom crumbling in this age of jihad.   

    Geller recounts the battle to defeat the sinister Ground Zero mosque project; the ISIS attack at Geller's Mohammed Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas; the fatwa and plot to behead her; and the relentless vilification she faces from a mainstream media hell-bent on defaming and destroying everyone who stands for freedom against jihad terror and sharia oppression.   

    Pamela Geller writes: 'Any lover of freedom would have been tarred the same way I was, and many have been. I am but a proxy in this terrible, long war. What has happened to me is what happens, in small and large ways, to every American who stands for freedom.'   

    One person can make a difference. And what a remarkable difference Pamela Geller has made. At last, in Fatwa: Hunted In America, she tells her story.

    ©2017 Pamela Geller (P)2017 Pamela Geller

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