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Couverture de Fated to the Lost Warrior

Fated to the Lost Warrior

De : Erin Hale
Lu par : Marcus Rayne, Macie Miller
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    When space pirates attack the exploratory spaceship I work on and I'm forced to evacuate in an escape pod, I never expected to crash land on an alien planet. I have no idea where any of my fellow crew members are or if they even got away. I'm entirely alone.

    Or so I think.

    Instead, I'm rescued from a fierce predator by a towering purple alien with a tail and color-changing tattoos who ignites strange feelings inside me.


    Many lunar cycles ago, I woke up with no memory of who I am. Since then, I have lived alone, making the forest my new home. When a strange object falls from the sky, I discover a lone female—a human, although I don’t know how I know what she is. With a single touch, my mating marks flare to life and I know that the goddess has blessed me with my fated mate.

    Except without my memories, I am not whole. Together, we work to restore them. Until enemies arrive and steal my mate, leaving me for dead. But the goddess has other plans. Now I must rescue my mate before it’s too late.

    ©2024 Erin Hale (P)2024 Penny Press, LLC

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