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  • Fated Winds and Promising Seas

  • De : Rose Black
  • Durée : 10 h

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Fated Winds and Promising Seas

De : Rose Black
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    Fated Winds and Promising Seas is a queer fantasy, perfect for fans of Legends and Lattes and Nettle and Bone.

    The brilliant follow up standalone novel from Rose Black!

    When a promise is made, a fate is woven.

    Lucky is incredibly unlucky. Locked away and imprisoned for a crime he cannot remember committing, Lucky is now more comfortable with the four walls of his prison than the sky outside. That is, until he's ripped free from his prison and swept out into the ocean. . . and rescued by The Dreamer.

    The Dreamer is no ordinary ship; it's a vessel filled with outcasts, each with their own mysterious past and unique abilities. Soon Lucky discovers a hidden world of magic, treachery, and destiny. Bound by fate, Lucky finds himself inexplicably linked to Gabe, the kind-hearted son of the captain. Together, they must navigate treacherous waters, avoid giant leviathan, and battle fearsome enemies, all to restore Lucky's memories.

    Will Lucky find the answers he seeks, or will his cursed luck doom him and his new friends? With the tides of fortune ever-changing, the quest for freedom is just the beginning.

    THEMES AND TROPES! Mental health rep, MM romance, found family, magical ships, safe and cared for, sharing the same room, gay romance novel, happily ever after!

    ©2024 Rose Black (P)2024 Hodder & Stoughton Limited
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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